January 30, 2014

Jasmine Tea - lunar amulet perfume for 1-30-14 new moon

Tonight's moon is a black moon (second new moon in a month) as well as a supermoon as well as the lunar new year. Happy year of the Horse! Be sure to concentrate on your intentions tonight and use the moon's power to enhance, focus, and manifest your visions. The horse may hurry them along faster than expected. ;)

To finish the tea series, this cycle's perfume is Jasmine Tea. A classic scent, a simple blend, and a delight to wear on any skin type. The smooth green tea leaves are infused with fresh Jasmine petals and brewed with honey. It has been quite a winter and I have tea on my mind 24/7. But I promise the next moon will have a drastically different theme for you. (And there are just 2 extra jasmine tea refills...message me if you want one! They won't be listed)

AND, To celebrate the year of the Horse, the 20% off Horse cologne special will continue until February 3rd. 

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