October 13, 2015

Lunar Amulet for the 10-12-15 New Moon: Eclipse

As you probably remember, September 27th's Full Moon was also a supermoon eclipse. I created a protective perfume blend that combined 3 varieties of frankincense and wore a heavy coat of it in preparation of the blood moon. I have found that I am very affected by the moon and eclipses typically bring about changes. I love change and embrace it most of the time, but sometimes it can be difficult and stressful. As it turns out, this eclipse did bring an unexpected new person into my life but its a good change. I am horribly distracted however and I have not had the focus to post the new Moongarden perfume line to my online store just yet. Please be patient with me while I figure out my footing, apply some more of this frankincense, copal, and amber-infused lunar amulet perfume, and wait for the eclipse to pass over in my mind.

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